Almost there
February 7, 2018 Here I am approaching the last weekend of yoga teacher training (YTT) and I have not written another blog. It was so important to me when I started this journey but that was when I was hitting a high no te, sigh… I will recap. So after the second weekend of YTT, the Lyme/Bart began to take back over. I knew once I stopped the Rifampin it would come back but this time it crept in slowly and took me off guard . I could not focus at all; meditation was out of the question. I could sit there for hours in perfect posture just listening to the monkey chatter in my head go on and on. The so called “ear worm” kept one line from a song repeating in my head over and over to the point where I would just talk to talk to cover it up. I felt like I was going crazy. I could not catch my breath but could not sit still either. In my head, everyone was out to get me. I would be set on a roller coaster of hateful emotions from one sentenc...